Monday, September 15, 2008

SEPTEMBER 16 2008 and ISA


Today is September 16 2008 and with just under 15 hours 30 minutes till midnight, and nothing is happenning in PUTRAJAYA yet. With all the hoo-hah from Datuk Seri AnuarIbrahim, the newly crowned MP of Permatang Pauh, about a new Federal Government, we are not convinced that there will be any such changes. At least not till the next general election if the present BN federal government insisted on following the present path to self-destruction. What Datuk Seri Anuar is doing is to build up the rakyat's mind to accept the Pakatan Rakyat as a viable alternative federal government and to destabilized the present government so that it cannot focus on the development projects for the rakyat, which will work against the PR in the next general election.

The magical date will pass and Datuk Seri Anuar will give yet another date or dates, to keep up the pressure and keep the rakyat in anticipation and suspense. All these moves are just to wear down the BN leadership and keep them in a tense situation all the time. People tend to read too much into Datuk Seri Anuar's actions. He is playing a mind game, at which he is very skilled, going by his past slick manouvers to out-flank and out-guess his opponents. With the sword of sodomy charges hanging over his head he needs to keep up the charade and build up his followers, especially the media people to become his ardent believers. These believers will hang on to his every words and believes he will deliver all the promises he makes. It is possible that Datuk Seri Anuar believes he can cultivate a cult mentality among his followers to serve his ambition to become the Prime Minister.


The use (mis-use?) of the Internal Security Act (ISA) to arrest individuals for reasons yet unknown except to the very few "knowlegeble" people, must be curtailed. The government must heed the call to have these people to be charge in court and to let the court decides if they are guilty or not. The credibility of the Police, and therefore the Government, will increase with proper usage of the ISA. By all means use ISA on people who are really a danger to national security, especially drug traffickers and those involve in bringing in illegals by the boatloads and giving them Mykads. These masterminds and their concos are the real threat to national security.

Thursday, August 14, 2008


BLOGGERS must be more responsible and credible if they are to mantain their influence on the masses. There too many bloggers who posted articles that do not have any credible sources other than their over-imaginative minds. Others have only what their little knowledge that they manage to scoop from their school lessons in between naps and somehow retain it in their ever-shrinking brains. What more can we say judging by the quality and sheer ignorance that are posted every minute.

There are power crazy bloggers who blog only to gain fame by trying to get themselves arrested for sedition, defamation and what not. All in the name of freedom of right. But what right have these so called 'bloggers' to write seditious articles that only exist in their warped minds? What about the rights of other people - the majority? If these bloggers are Muslims, don't they know that 'fitnah' is a sin on par with 'zina' (adultery) and killing of fellow Muslims without lawful reason. Some of these unknown bloggers found glamour when their arrests were reported by the main stream media.

As for bloggers who uses the blog world just to release their emotion, lashing out using the worse of language to insult other relegions and races, they should be lock up in psychiatric hospitals - forever!

How can bloggers be believable if their sources are not?

Thursday, July 31, 2008


There are so many unethical bloggers who are going all out to destroy our beloved nation and they are doing it by putting all sort of blattant lies and half-truths that are misleading, just to create distrust and build animosity among the various races. All geared towards the ultimate distruction this country that is built on Trust, Tolerance and the Spirit of give and take between the various races in the country.

Never in our the history of our nation has there been so much feeling of racial hatred being flung about especially in the cyber space. It is very disheartening to read all these blogs that are suppose to represent the citizens of this nation. What will the foreigners think of our country? But than, that is what these bloggers want - for the country to be run down in the international arena, regardless of any consequences. Maybe this is the result of all the pampering we received these 50 years plus of independence. After the struggle for independence, the new generation just do seem to care for the positive values avocade by their older generation. They take everything for granted. They are the generation that is born with all the facilities already in place and with more goodies than the older generation can imagine in all their lifetime.

Perhaps they think the nation is so strong that she cannot be destroyed!

God save our country if these people are to have their ways. Truths are being turn into lies and lies are being concorted as truths and fed to the guilible people. These unethical bloggers are just out to get fame the easy way. Maybe they think that since a few bloggers are now Yang Berhormat MPs, they can follow suit by getting themselves arrested for putting all these lies on the web. After all, the politicians now are mad about getting more power than what the rakyat has given to them. They just want more POWEEER! Just look at the publicity stunts these politicians are putting on. Not only will Hollywood be put to shame by these stunts but Bollywood producers are sure to happy to feature all these stunts in their next international cast movies.

Sunday, July 6, 2008


That is the question that comes to my mind every day as I read the events unfolding and dread what new vile plots being concorted behind all these disturbing news that bombarded our rakyat's simple mind. Already we,the rakyat (at least the lower incomes and no-income group), is reeling from the rocketting prices of essential goods and having to fight each day just to survive on whatever we can get to the table. How come the elites and the politicians (both divides) can be so engrossed in their dramatic antics for popularity and greed for power that they are just ignoring the rakyat's basic needs? Where are the promises you make during the last election, which is long over, if you need to be reminded. Never have the rakyat of this country see so much show of greed and lust for power from just so few.
However, I am wondering if there are forces at work behind the scenes to bring about the downfall of our nation. Is there such unseen hand(s) behind the events unfolding in this country and planning the destruction of our country? There are many very disturbing coincidences happening in the country that are similiar to several presently failed nation states that just cannot be simply waved away. If we compare the characteristics for a failed nation/state and the path our country is presently taking, we can see the future is very dark indeed. Let us look at the characteristics for a failed nation state.
Failed nation states are tense, deeply conflicted, dangerous, and bitterly contested by warring factions. In most failed states, government troops battle armed revolts led by one or more rivals.
The country has not come to this terrible stage, physically yet. But there is a mental war furiously going on. It is not comforting if you read all the mud slingings, lies, counter lies and racists remarks on the web. Never is there such unrestrain bitterness unleashed and these coming from our youths, many who are not matured enough politically nor have indepth knowledge about our country's colourful history to truly appreciate what we have now. Being young their emotion can be easily fired up and form a powerful force. If manipulated by power-greedy politicians, the force can be very destructive to the country.
Official authorities in a failed state sometimes face two of more insurgencies, varieties of civil unrest, differing degrees of communal discontents, and a plethora of dissent directed at the state and at groups within the state.
Already we are seeing discontentments being whip up among the people, especially among the lower income group. Demonstrations, designed to condition the people mind to accept it ( the demonstration) as a show of democracy, are disguised under topics close to the people's heart.(Against price increase, no tolls, fight injustice, equality, intergrity, etc). These are nothing but subtle actions to undermine the people's confidence in the federal government.
In contrast to strong states, failed state cannot control their borders. They lose authorities over chunks of territory.
Malaysia have not lost any significant territory yet except for Batu Putih which we lost when the International Court Of Justice make its ruling in favour of the Republic of Singapore. But this case is being used by the opposition to prove that the federal government is weak and incompetent to defend the territory of our nation. More like after the house is built, the chisel makes noise. (Rumah sudah siap, pahat pun berbunyi). But should we lose any more territory for whatever reasons, then the federal government has something to fear. And there are a lot of land and islands at the borders that need to be defended.
Vigorous character of the political or geographical demands for shared power or autonomy.
When the federal government is made up a coalition of so many political parties, and these representing their members' interests more than the nation, then conflicts of interests in some matters of policies and power sharing cannot be avoided, though they can be discuss internally and come to some acceptable compromises. However if one or more parties demand something more because they perceive that they are not gettting their rightful shares, and there is no more to give or not enough to satisfy the others' demands, then we have a tension building up between the parties. The can be exploited by a outside third party who wants to see the coalition breaks up and seize power, even if the country is turn into a turmoil and the people are suffering.
Violence cascade into all-out internal war, when standards of living massively deteriorate, when infrastructure of ordinary life decays, and the greed of rulers overwhelms their responsibilities to better their people and their surroundings.
The last stage of a failed nation is the internal conflicts among the citizens of the country. The whole country will be ravaged by the conflicts and nothing will be safe. People's power will be abused to serve the greedy politicians' ambitions and many people will be badly hurt or die without knowing that they are just pawns in the power struggle between the politicians, whom they see as their saviours, the people who are already conditioned to accept demonstrations as a show of people's power and democracy, will be used to the maximum to create unrest and violence between the demonstrators and the authorities. Visuals scenes of these violent demonstrations will then be put on the web to bring international pressure on the legal government to come to some power sharing compromises or step down.
We see various sectors of society ever ready to challenge the legal authorities over almost any matter by taking a confrontational stand rather than to sit down and discuss matters. And as usual the politicians are eager to lend their 'support' if these get them some publicity. Thus they encourage more to follow the same behaviour. More important matters like the enviromental issues, dadah menace, rempits, rising racial intolerance among the younger generation (future leaders) and others important issues, do not get these politicians' attention as these are more problematic for their power-centered minds to grasp. Majority taxi drivers wants to get their own ways by not charging according to approved meter rates. By over-charging the innocent and helpless public, they think it will solve their monetary problem. What have our elected MPs have to say on this? - Nothing!
Without sounding pessimistic, our country is not doing so fine. Even though Malaysia do not qualify for a failed nation state, the country already have a degree of all the characteristics of a failed state. The failed state will come if we, the rakyat, let the power-hungry politicians to continue to lead our country down the same road as it is now. This may sound far fetch to some, but that is why we have to be very wary before its too late to turn back the damages done. Let us, the rakyat, jugde the Members of Parliament and State Assemblymen on what their effectiveness in delivering their promises and not on their rhetorics and self-promoting antics. Enough is enough - TIME TO GET DOWN TO WORK!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Malaysia is in the international limelight again but for the wrong reason. The drama unfolding in the country will be the acid test for Pak Lah's and his Cabinet Ministers. How the Datuk Seri Anuar Ibrahim's case is tackled will determine the country's future in coming few years. Right now the situation is still under control with the majority of people still willing to sit back, listen to both sides and let the authorities concerned take the appropriate action.
The drama have all the right stuff for a block buster film, what with the international flavour provided by the Turkish Embassy. Even the USA and Singapore wanted their opnions to be heard on the latest drama unfolding in this country. The US State Department spokeman Tom Casey issued a statement that the US government wants to see the rule of law to stand above politics. This is strange, if not comical, coming from the very government that launched wars on every country that she sees do not adopt the 'right' policies in the eyes of the US government and keep people in prisons all over the world without trial or even so much being acknowledged as prisoners. Strange too that USA react so fast to this event since their reaction to the Zimbabwe crisis is still anything but effective. As for Singapore inc. ( the one party government), it is not out of character for the country to take this opportunity to divert their people's attention from the high inflation and rising cost of living in the country brought about by the high fuel prices. In fact it is a most welcome bonus for the Singapore government courtesy of Datuk Seri Anuar Ibrahim! And the state controlled papers make the most of it. Singapore has the measure of the mentality of the Malaysian leaders and can predict their reactions to the letter. Maybe it is with the help of all the data collected and input into their massive computers since 1970s.
Every Malaysian is still not convinced that the event is going to find a peaceful end inthe near future or that it will benefit the people. For sure, this unfortunate event is going to divert a lot attention of the federal government from the development issues at hand. The Rakyat are the losers and the politicians are the ones who will gain anything from this.


Sunday, June 22, 2008


Malaysians are numbed by all the on going political intrigues that distract the government from focusing on problems facing the rakyat. We do not need these political conspiracies that serve only the ambition of a few politicians at the expense of the rakyat of the nation. What the rakyat wants and need is for the government of the day to find the solution to ease the burden of the suffering poor and do it fast.

Can all the political parties accept the General Election 2008 result and just get to work for the rakyat like they are suppose to do when they campaigned in the election? What the rakyat have now are just promises and little result, especially for the poor - no matter where they are or what colour is their skin. After more than 50 years of independence, Malaysia is among the most developed country in this region. But, why are there still many rakyat who are living in old patched huts, with no piped water or electricity? Where are the roads and bridges for the rural folks and their children who have to risk their lives everyday just to go to schools? Where are the transportation system for these poor rakyat to bring their goods to be sold in towns? The government must concentrate all efforts and put out more fund in these sectors immediately if it seriously wants to elevate the suffering of these poor rakyat and eradicate poverty in this country by 2020.

Politicians, where are your hearts? Hear the suffering poor and bring yourselves closer to God. Do not disguise your greedy actions for more power to mislead the rakyat. No amount of media exposure of wrong doings is going to stop the power grabbing for monetary gains. The monetary gains will win hands down, every time. The wily politicians will find ways to convince the rakyat that their action is in the interest of the rakyat. Harvest the virgin jungle using helicopters and choose only the old trees?? Reason is that the Kedah government has no fund for state development because the federal government had not given the RM 100 Million as agreed. (Rakyat read that as you want that Rm 100 million for your self interests). Never mind if the padi farmers suffer if there is no water years from now. (We won't be in power then!).

Power is the axis of all evil. It is the constant companion of all politicians and if the leaders do not bring themselves closer to the people, it is so easy to fall into the believing that you are invincible and the higher up you are the more inaudible the voice of the lowly rakyat. You only hear the voices of the people around you and the voices that they want you to hear. As the leader of our nation, our Prime Minister need all the supports from all quarters to fight the rising cost of essential goods and also the greedy power hungry people (unscrupulous politicians and businessmen) who wants more monetary gains for themselves.

Saturday, June 7, 2008


A few tips to survive in face of sharp increase in cost of living. The magic word is "BUDGET". That is to budget our spending and avoid over-spending, which will send us into a spiral of increasing personal debt.

Tip 1# Set a spending limit.
If you earn fixed salary then budget for the whole year base on your total take home pay for the year. Simply divide your yearly total income by 12 months, and deduct for all fixed expenses (e.g. rent, loans), electric bills, water bills, payment to parents, food, petrol, children education expenses, spouse's expenses, etc. What you have left is your spending limit and you can divide it by 12 months. You only have that much to spend for that month and any overspending will have to be deducted from next month's allowance. Remember to set aside a sum for religious and end of the year celebrations.

Tips 2# Do not charge to your credit card unless absolutely necessary.
Carry cash that is just enough for your shopping. Settle your credit card payment promptly. Remember credit card companies charge very high interest (18%+ per annum).

Tip 3# List out all your expenditure to the sen and go through the list to see where you can save and defer payments ( loans can be re-negotiated to increase the payment period).

Tips 4# Always plan your shopping and not to fall prey to sales gimmicks.
Check yourself by asking if the items your are about to purchase is a necessity or not. Can you live without it? Don't go blindly for branded goods. Look for cheaper products that is just as good. Example, mineral water comes from the same source but marketted under different brand names with different price tags.

Tip 5# Pay debts on time and avoid penalty for late payment. Have a checklist of all must-pay debts and their last day for payment and enter into your handphone/PDA with alarms to remind you a few days before the day.

Tip 6# Pack your lunch to office. It is not macho? Forget your ego and think of the amount of saving you will make.. Cut down on the 'teh tarik' sessions after office. You can save hundreds of ringgit monthly.

Tip 7# Share newspapers and magazines. Exchange information with your office workers and find out who is buying the same papers you read everyday. Buy/sell n/papers to friends after you have read it. Buy secondhand books/magazines for your reading pleasure.

Tip 8# Save petrol if you travel a lot. Switch off the air acconditioner if the day is cool especially at night. Do not stress out your car engine, drive at the engine's economical output. Forget the "kiasu" syndrome. I don't recommend taking public transportation. Not until it is totally revamp and upgraded to be reliable and cover most destinations.

Tip 9# Cut out the bad habits. Smoking and drinking high sugar level carbonated drinks will save you medical expenditure later.
For those who drink alcohol, try to reduce the night outs and stay at home or take up bowling or fishing. Save thousands of ringgit and save your health too.

Tip 10# IF you are thinking of buying a new car, consider the expenses you have to spend in mantaining the car. For those who are driving 'gas guzzlers', maybe you might want to think about changing it for a more economical version and not only save yourself the ringgits but also do our enviroment a favour.

Tip 11# If you have a plot of land that is pushing lalang, maybe you can rent it out for agricultural production or for a recycle waste centre. Many loans are available for those interested in going into the agriculture business. Joint venture will be less of a financial burden.

Tip 12# Remember your health is your wealth. It is good to invest in an insurance to see you through if you should fall sick. Any financial burden on your family can cause great hardship and even cause your children to drop out from college/university.

Tip 13# Look at ways to increase your income. Examples, selling unwanted items (antiques, hand crafts, old magazines/textbooks, unwanted clothes and furniture, etc.) and teaching partime (computer repair, software). Try working from home to save transportation cost.

Tips14# Do NOT take loans from Alongs to solve your financial problems. If you must, go to the banks which give loans for such financial situations.

Note: The Tips given is in good faith and the blogger bear no malice and absolve himself from all consequences that may arise from these tips.

Friday, June 6, 2008


The Government has announced the unevitable and we, the people must accept that the days of subsidies are nearing over. We,the people, must change our spending habits and lower our living expections. No countries in the world, not even the developed countries, remain uneffected by the sharp rise in oil prices. USA, UK, France, Australia, Japan, Taiwan, China and EU countries are trying to fight off rising cost of food, energy and transportation due to sharp rise of fuel. In India, there are demonstrations upon demonstrations to protest the rise in oil price and millions in the middle and lower income group will suffer. But will demonstrations make the government lower oil prices when the world oil prices are going up to Mars. A political leader is quoted as saying that he will lower the petrol prices if he is in power. What he did not say was by how much and at what cost to our country's future. Anyway that is another matter.

It is understandable that we are furious at suddenly being burden with rising cost of living and like to blame someone for it. That 'someone' is the Government since no one else is nearer to us although we know that the world oil prices is the real malefactor. It's like a son/daughter who has his/her allowance cut because the parent's income is reduced and the family has to survive on less than usual. The son/daughter is crying 'unfair' and moaning at what he/she has to miss out due to the drastic reduction in allowance. In fact, he/she should be counting his/her blessings that there is still food on the table and shelter over his/her head and concentrate on finding ways to increase his/her income through other means. (e.g. recycle items and reduce spending). That is what we must do to elevate our budget problems. Look into our spending habits, our unnecessary wastage (e.g. electricity, water, food, petrol), the amount of recyclable things that we throw away and expenses we can do away. Develop a smart spending habit. Think before we spend. Spend on items that will save us cost in the long run, like energy saving light bulbs and water filters (instead of buying mineral water).

It is us who must mentally change and adapt to the changing situation, to fight the cost of living and survive.

Saturday, May 31, 2008


The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has made its ruling on Pulau Batu Putih in favour of Singapore. Now Pulau Batu Putih is history and only Pedra Branca will remain. This is a bitter lesson to be learn by those in power and the civil service, and never to forget. They should never take things lightly when it comes to territorial matters, especially international borders. The whole complete process which took 29 years to compile and took the case researchers all over the world in search of historical documents related to the case. This process must be documented and all case documents be kept in archive for reference by our future generation. The National Archive must take pro-active steps not only to get all these documents now but to have a recorded interviews with all persons involved in preparing the case. Even photograph the people and the places they visited. I am sure they (the researchers) must have taken lots of photographs while overseas.

This stinging experience can be attributed to carelessness by the senior civil servants who did not check and double check the facts before making his decision. By taking things for granted, they could make the wrong assumptions and decisions not base on researched data and facts. Bureaucracy could have played a part in this fiasco as the heads of government departments in those days keep inter-department contacts to the minimum and they act more than mini-Napoleons. More likely it was 'you do your job and I'll do mine and what I do is right! '.

These are not the only islands that are being disputed and there are also land boundaries that need to be clearly defined with our neighbours. This can be potentially explosive issues if we do not coordinate our actions. Even our maps must be thoroughly check to be sure we do not give away any parts of our country, again! Leaving it to the authorities on the ground to make decisions without proper research and cross checks will bring more territorial lost and this translates into lost of our natural assets. Maybe it is wise to set up a specialised division in the Prime Minister's department to deal, monitor and coordinate action related to all disputed borders. The special division should give reports to the Cabinet which will decide on the course of action. This will give the Government a better view and more in depth understanding of the issues to enable it to take more effective action.


A Japanese businessman got the shock of his life when the policemen, who were acting on his complaint, went to search his apartment and found a 58 year old woman living in his closet. He had became suspicious when his food went missing every month and placed cameras in his apartment which he could monitor from his office. Thinking it was a burglar who was in his apartment, he called the police. The fact that the woman had been living in the closet for more than a year is just amazing. Imagine sleeping in a tightly close space, unable to move for hours.

Now if that is to happen to you, what will be your reaction?


Thank you to our Cabinet, thank you YB Selangor MB, thank you to BMC Open Access Road Committee, thank you to all MPs and thank you to all supporters. That is what the very happy residents of Bandar Mahkota Cheras say. Finally they got their wish and the road access is now open to users. The Cabinet has directed the highway concessionaire, Grand Saga Sdn. Bhd. to open the road access from Bandar Mahkota Cheras. This is long awaited decission will help reduce the financial burden of nearby residents especially Bandar Mahkota Cheras, which of course they will gladly chip in for a grand dinner to celebrate this joyous occassion. Just don't forget to invite the Kajang Police!

That part of the problem is solved. Now the business part will be fought out in court if the two parties, Grand Saga Sdn. Bhd and Narajaya Sdn. Bhd., cannot not come out with some sort of solution to their dispute. The prize is millions ringgit (Grand Saga is asking for 200 milllion ringgit) as compensation for opening the road access. Whatever the outcome the Selangor Government is sure to come out winner as the compensation will be made to Grand Saga in which the Selangor Government has a majority stake.

Thursday, May 29, 2008


The old problem dress up and raise its (her?) head again. I am refering to the issue of sexy (?) dressings of our school girls. It seems that the white top of the baju kurung (note: kurung also means 'lock up') is too sexy as the under garment can be seen (if you really, really look!). And this transparency (which we do not have enough in the government) is a big invitation to would be rapist and other sex perverts. The blame is on the young ladies who dress up too 'sexy' and cause the mouth of males to water and jaws drop. The rapist and perverts are not to be blame as they are the 'victims' and are just doing what comes naturally to them.

It was Freud that champion the thinking that criminals are the victims of complex sexual desires which is suppressed by society, norms and tradition. This thinking was later taken up by other psychologists. The result is that laws are passed that look upon criminals as the victims of societies and should be treated as such.

What Freud and other psychologists like him did not take into consideration is that human beings have the ability to control their desires. The power to control our desires is part of our natural factor as human beings, unlike animals. Just like a child is able to control his/her bowel we can control our emotion and desires. Lust is not beyond our control and nobody should be excused just because he cannot control his sexual desires. Society should not put to blame for the weaknesses of a person who commit a crime because he cannot control his perverted sexual feelings.


There is still hope for the BMC residents for a quick solution to Bandar Mahkota Cheras access road problem. Selangor MB, Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim uses his experience as a former CEO and decide to pressure the management of Grand Saga Sdn. Bhd with a threat to call for an EGM to get the company to stop barricading the BMC access road. The fact that the Selangor State Government has a majority share in Grand Saga Sdn. Bhd. (albeit indirectly) is something new to most people. Why was this not exploited by the last Selangor state government is a mystery waiting to be solve at the next state assembly.

Credits to Tan Sri Khalid for his commitment to solve this long standing problem although he is very busy with other state matters. If this commitment can be extended to fight the drug menace, high crime rate and enviromental problems we can all sleep happy until the next election.

For BMC residents this quick end to their long standing suffering is a blessing and they have the Selangor MB and their BMC committee members to thank for it. However, they must not be too carried away when they get their road access as this is only a temporary solution. Legal problems may arise if a fatal accident is to occur at the road access and the parties involved question the legality of the road access. A permanent solution is still with the court.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Well it has to come to this, I mean the confrontation between two parties, or is it three? And more violence will come if the parties involved are not willing to back down. Now we see the problem turning into a physical confrontation. The politicians concerned must bear the responsibility for encouraging this path of action by the Bandar Mahkota Cheras residents. At the very beginning when the residents took onto their hands to tear down the barriers put up by Grand Saga Sdn. Bhd. the politicians came and just by their being present, try to lend a sense of legality to the act of tearing down the barriers. Although they know it was an illegal act as the case is yet to be decided by the court.

Now that Grand Saga has won a court order to close the illegal access road, every body must respect the court's decision. I sympathise with the Bandar Mahkota Cheras residents who is the real victims in this legal deadlock between two private companies.

The situation looks like it is going to drag for a long time to come unless the case is given priority by the court.

Monday, May 26, 2008

There is real fear amongst the non-Muslims, especially Christians, that the country is slowly being Islamise. A Muslim columnist in a English daily commented that there is anger among the Christians that their religious freedom is being eroded. Quote from the column "Ceritalah" by Karim Raslan (the Star, 27 May 2008) : "Decades of creeping Islamisation under the aegis of leaders like Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad has seen a steady erosion of Christian confidence, ....".

For one, I am against the choice of words by the columnist. "creeping"? - why not slow or gradual? According to the New Oxford Dictionary, "creeping" means to move slowly and carefully in order to avoid being heard or noticed. Is there a covert effort by the government to Islamise the country? Honestly, has there been any action to curtail the freedom of any religion?When did Islamisation of our country started? - "Decades" ago? Since when? Why only mention Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and Tun Dr. Mahathir? What about the PAS leaders of Kelantan and Terengganu? Or even the Muftis? Personally, I feel there is no Islamisation of our country but only the awakening of Islam in our country. As the people are made more and more aware of the real meaning of Islam there has to be an reaction to their lives.

The real issue here is not the Islamisation of our country, as the freedom of religion is clearly enshrined in our Constitution. The situation is created by some political players and their supporters (both sides) who see the easy way to shore up their popularity by playing the religion card. This is further complicated by the mass medias which gave the wrong picture or half-truths, in pursue of profit. Some reporters/columnists do not have the indepth knowledge of Islam as a religion and in the pressure to meet datelines, forgo the need to check their facts with the relevant authorities. This, plus the access and speed that information can be disseminated, make the people more confused and angry. The foreign news medias which have been demonising Islam for decades play a big role to harden the non-Muslims stand in Malaysia. If previously the non-Muslims are more tolerant and respectful, now they are more demanding and vocal, to a point of confrontation. This is not going down well with the majority of Muslims in this country. Articles after articles are published about how unjust Islam is to the non-Muslims and their religions.

All these have to bore some effects on the normally sedate Muslim community. Will the line be drawn in near future between Muslims and Non-Muslims in this beloved and peaceful country? If this should happen, it will be very difficult to undo the damage and all stand to lose in the end.


Finally, we see the true colors of the MPs and Selangor State Executive councillors who came in droves to champion the cause of Bandar Mahkota Cheras residents. Finally, the Selangor MB admitted that there is nothing he can do except to wait for the court to decide on the case. Sure the MB said that in the end the Bandar Mahkota Cheras residents will get their access road but that is not the problem. The problem is WHEN will the problem be solved and the residents will longer have to suffer everyday as they have been doing for more than two years now. Will the case drag on for more years as the case is taken to the highest courts in the country by either party? When will the suffering of the Bandar Mahkota Cheras residents be over? - Finally over la!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Already there is a trend to racialise every project, issue, event and dispute to such an extend that ordinary rakyat is becoming emotionally charged. Some columnists, journalists and writers are guilty, as much as the politicians, in racialising almost every issue just to make themelves more popular or accepted by their peers. Some are not very objective and even credit their own perception/views as being that of the majority ('rakyat' as they are fond to put it). Though they may vehemently deny this, but their continuous writings/speeches tell us a very different story. They may try to hide it behind words like "transparency', "democracy", "freedom", "human rights" and what other rights. But, it boils down to the fact that the 'rakyat' sees the issues and topics chosen only involving one race in particular.

One main English newspapers even printed a complaint by a few diners in Ipoh who complained about having to wait longer to be served because they are of another race (they say). There is nothing wrong to print the complaint but to have the race, the restaurant and the place printed is being irresponsible. First,what is the real situation? One only hear from one side (the customers) but is this true? What restaurant can survive if this attitude of the staff is true? Every body knows that you open a restaurant or any business to make profit. No businessman is that suicidal or so ignorant as to adopt a racially bias policy especially in a restaurant business which is very competitive and the margin profit is not big.

However, thanks to this news daily, the restaurant will now lose their customers (from the other races) and maybe be forced to close down. Thus making more 'rakyat' join the jobless and their families will face unnecessary hardship. All due to some wise guys who thinks they are not being served as they expected and credit this to racial bias. And, the daily papers which printed the complaint without giving any chance for the restaurant owner to defend himself. Justice? Democarcy? Human rights? Who cares as long as it does not effect my business?
It will when the ripples turn into waves and waves into tsunamis. The 'rakyat', like a battery, can become over-charged and may reach a point that it will explode.

-K.L. Devaser, former MIC president, July, 1957

Saturday, May 10, 2008


Penang is getting many mega projects. There is the second bridge, rapid Penang and the monorail projects. All these mega projects will cost the country billions ringgit to implement and build. These projects were decided when the country had the money. But now that the world situation has changed with the food crisis, the question is why must we go ahead with these mega projects?

The food crisis, starting with the shortage of rice, is going to get worse and is not a short term crisis. So why can't all those billions ringgit be put to better use, like increasing the production of rice, maize, and other food products. Many poor farmers can get more subsidies for fertiliser, new and better machineries and better rice stock. With the increase in food yield, our country can save billions of ringgit from food imports and the people will save millions in food expenditure. Instead just the people of Penang benefitting, the whole country can get to enjoy the benefit.


Baru-baru ini saya terbaca satu cerita dalam buku cerita moral oleh Mohd Nasaruddin Dasuki bertajuk " INSAF KERANA KATAK". Ceritanya lebih kurang begini:

Seorang ahli sufi bernama Syaqiq al-Bakhi berhasrat membeli sebuah tembikai yang lazat. Isteri beliau pun telah menyatakan keinginan yang sama sebelum beliau bertolak ke pasar di pekan berdekatan. Bila tiba di pasar tersebut ahli sufi ini telah bertemu dengan sebuah gerai yang mempunyai longgokan tembikai. Beliau mengambil sebiji tembikai dan membeleknya. Melihat ahli sufi itu sedang membelek tembikai maka tuan gerai tembikai pun berkata bahawa tembikai itu elok dan lazat rasanya. Syaqiq al-Bakhi pun bertanya sama ada dia boleh merasa tembikai itu. Tuan gerai pun membelah sebiji tembikai lalu memberi sepotong kepada beliau. Memang lazat rasa tembikai itu dan ahli sufi itu pun membeli sebiji tembikai lalu di bawa pulang.

Tiba di rumah dia memberi tembikai itu kepada isterinya. Syaqiq pun beredar ke tempat rehat rumahnya sementara isterinya pergi ke dapur dengan membawa tembikai itu. Sebentar kemudian isterinya keluar dari dapur dan dengan nada marah, berkata:"Tembikai yang dibeli ini busuk dan tak boleh dimakan! Penjual itu telah menipu kita". Mendengar kata-kata isterinya itu, Syaqiq al-Bakhi pun bertanya isterinya siapa yang dimarahi itu. Jawab isteri beliau tentulah penjual tembikai yang menjual tembikai busuk itu. Berpaling kepada isterinya, dengan muka yang tenang, beliau berkata " Saya hendak tembikai yang lazat. Kamu pun hendak tembikai yang lazat. Begitulah juga penjual tembikai itu hendak jual tembikai yang lazat. Tapi Allah s.w.t. yang menentukan yang kita tidak mendapat yang dihajatkan". Mendengar Syaqiq al-Bakhi berkata demikian isterinya terdiam dan insaf.

Apa yang diperkatakan oleh Tun Dr. Mahathir bahawa UMNO belum mendapat mesej sebenar yang hendak di sampaikan oleh pengundi dalam pilihanraya umum 2008 memang benar. UMNO tidak sedar segala-segala yang berlaku itu adalah satu peringatan kepada ahli UNMO supaya kembali ke jalan yang di redhai. UMNO perlu ingat segalanya ditentukan oleh Allah s.w.t. dan keputusan pengundi itu adalah satu cara Allah s.w.t. menyampaikan peringatanNya. Sekiranya UMNO masih tidak berubah dan merendahkan diri serta betul-betul berniat memberi khidmat membantu rakyat, maka saya percayai UMNO akan ghaib begitu sahaja dari hati rakyat. Insaflah semua ahli UNMO.

"Manusia itu seperti bahan galian emas dan perak. Mereka yang pilihan zaman jahiliyah, pilihan juga dalam Islam, selama mereka memahami ajaran Islam itu. Dan roh (jiwa) adalah bagaikan perajurit yang aneka ragam. Bila saling mengenal, bersatulah mereka, dan bila tidak saling mengenal, maka berpecah-belah". _ Dari Abu Hurairah r.a. (Sahih Muslim)

Friday, May 9, 2008


Look like there are people who take the Article 10 (Freedom of speech, assembly and association) of the Constitution to the extreme and think that it gives them the 'right' to totally disregard the laws of our country. For whatever reason they may have, right or wrong, the laws should be respected as the laws are there not just for a selected group but for law and order for all citizens of this country.

The Police were there to prevent the situation getting out of control as it is their duty and responsiblity. Should something happen and the Police wasn't there, then these very people will blame the authorities. With such a big assembly of people who are highly emotional anything can go wrong and go out of control in a split second. The so called 'leaders' of this illegal assembly will not be able to control the situation and will quickly put the blame on the authorities. -" Why wasn't the police there with enough personnel to control the crowd?".

One Selangor executive councillor was quoted as saying that the disputed land belong to the state government (more on this in next blog) and that he has informed the police but the police, which is in control of the federal government, is not paying any heed. Now, why is the police being brought into this dispute which is between the state government, the housing developer and the highway concessionaire? As the Inspector-General of Police said that there should be no mob rule in this country. As the assembly (what ever the reason) is illegal and unruly at that, the police was there to conrol and prevent it from going out of control. Instead of cooperating with the police the mob decided to confront the authorities and charge at the police on their motorcycles. This puts the lives of the police personnels who is doing their duty in danger. Firing water cannon by the police at these people is within the rights of self defence. The policemen have their families to think about too. If they are to be maim by the dangerous action of these mat rempits who is going to be held responsible?

All this demonising of the police force has to stop now. The police do need to be looking into illegal assemblies and mobs, as they already stretch thin in fighting serious crimes like arm robberies, snatch thieves, child kinappers, murders, white collar crimes, mat rempits and car hijackings. Not to mention the petty crimes and road accidents. Majority of the policemen are good people and we must acknowledge their sacrifices. The too have families just like us and want the best for our country. They do their duties and responsiblites while we sleep peacefully and most of this is taken for granted by us. Just because someone didn't burgle our houses/properties that doesn't mean the robbers/thieves are not there. They are just afraid to burgle our houses/properites because they are afraid of the police who they know are out there, somewhere.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Some 'cliches' you read every day in the media, both main stream and alternative.

"rakyat" - meaning he/she is speaking for the masses (people). Who gives you the right? And don't the rural rakyat have any say in highlighting issues that concern their daily livelyhoods? Why certain issues that do not bring food and well-being for the rakyat hoarding the prime time news? Where are the people who all too often use the word "rakyat" in their speeches and writings?

"taxpayers" - meaning I and you in the private sector pay taxes. What? When did the public sector workers stop paying their taxes ? In fact these people are not the majority that evade paying taxes since they can't afford the costly tax accountants.

"the government" - meaning the ruling BN party. What about the opposition government? Kelantan government, which has been governing the state for decades now, is never subjected to such level of criticism as much as the federal and BN state governments. Is it a case of playing to the people's sentiment?

" private sector" - meaning only selected companies lah. And this sector never seem to be doing any wrong. Even when the private sector unreasonably raises prices of goods, the blame is always on the government.

" the police" - If a thief enters your house and steal your expensive fake Rolex, blame the government. When required to do Rukun Tetangga duties, send in fake medical chits. Let other do it lah. Summoned for traffic offences, go cry to your MPs/ADUNs and probably get a media interview. Don't be stupid and pay your compound on time. Wait for the inevitable discount offer or better still, get your state government to waive the compounds!

"freedom and rights" - meaning it is my right and freedom to speak or act as I deem fit, even if the majority people do not agree. To hell with their rights! Be famous, get yourself arrested.

"incompetent public sector" - meaning all the 1 million over workers who run the government machineries, guard the 'rakyat' lives and properties, plan the country's future, attacked by thugs and even die for performing their jobs well and wait for the political masters and columnists to kick the shit out of them for the few rotten apples that exist amongst them. The public sector makes a damn good punching bag and diversion. Pay 1 million to the public workers ten ringgit and you spend 10 million ringgit. But these workers get only 10 ringgit a family!

"corruption" - meaning it only happens among the public sector workers. Hey, private sector give entertainments to clients (all too often, including their wives and siblings/relatives). Entertainment, private sector style, can include the "expensive companions" and overseas trips to some exotic tropical islands with their families in tow. All paid for by with the companies workers wages and their shareholders. Fancy the latest Merc? Just write off the BMW and get the Board to approve it! Write it into the company budget and cut the profits. Evade taxes and give more perts to the executives. Increase profits - Just hoard the goods and raise the prices.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


One can start on a journey on the right path but still end up at the wrong destination. Why? Because as human beings, we are not infallible. Along the journey we are subjected to many , challenges, lies, corruption, threats and even praises, that affect and changes us, conciously or not. Investigative reporters, writers and columnists are humans and they have their own prejudices, build through years of experience and run ins with the powerful force they must deal with. Power as we know can corrupt not only those possessing it but also those that come into contact with it. Power do not mean only the rich. We see our colleague who is regard with high esteem for his work. We are jealous (in a good sense) of his/her success and want to emulate him/her and even try to surpass his/her achievements.

In trying to achieve our ambition we can cross the thin line between being a crusader for a cause into a persecutor. We begin to make a lot of presumptions and depend more and more on our sources that we find harder to verify the facts. The pressure to live up to your reputation or even worse, you begin to think since you are right and the other side must be guilty. They praise Caeser just before they murdered him. What I mean is that a lot of praises can kill us, from inside.

Our writing becomes more arrogant and intolerant of the smallest mistakes. It is I and You. No more We, as working together and seeing the other side from a positive stand. How can I be right and they are also right? One of us must be wrong. Why? Can't both be right or even both are wrong and right? Our soul is corrupt by all the praises heap upon us everyday and we are now the persecutors for good cause.

Monday, May 5, 2008


Has you read the papers and blogs recently. Lately many political leaders, parlimentarians, bloggers, writers, lawyers, human rights opportunists and columnists are using the 'rakyat' (people) as their keyword. It is as if the word 'rakyat' will lend credence to what they are saying or give the impression that they are the voice of the rakyat. Maybe certain groups or sections of the rakyat but certainly not the vast majority of the rakyat, who may not even agree to what these people are saying on their behalf. It is pure arrogance to assume that he or she speaks for the majority rakyat just because the most vocal groups agree with you. What about the silent majority? Are your views representative of them.? Have you met the rakyat from across the country including Sabah and Sarawak.

The urbanites, especially from Klang Valley, may be highly educated and think their opinions and views are relevant to the country but what about the rural rakyat? How do you reach them for their opinions and views or is it they do not know better and therefore their opinions and views are irrelevant? If you want to speak for the rakyat, get it from the horse's mouth.
Lately there are leaders who call for a 'Muslim' who convert to Islam when he/she marry a Muslim, be allowed to revert to his/her former religion when his/her marriage do not work out. This shows the lack of understanding of Islam. In the first place, there is no compulsion in Islam. Secondly, you do not convert to Islam or any religion for that matters, just to marry another person. What sort of person are you to easily give up your religion for another person? Is religion a toy to play with? One chose a religion because one believes in it and conciously embrace the religion. Islam is for all but you cannot be born, inherit or marry into Islam, or forced to become a Muslim or even through operation of law.
Apostasy must not be seen from the human-made laws or civil rights, but from the religious point of view. You cannot just leave Islam without going through the provisions in the syariah legal system. In fact all religion should condemn the act of apostasy since it is the act of rejecting truth. "Apostasy will never happen to a true Muslim. It happen to one who has never been a Muslim." - Dr. Syed Ali Tawfik Al-Attas/Md. Asham Ahmad, the Star July 11 2006.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

To say that the Ruler of the State does not have the rights over the transfer of the State Director of Islamic Affairs is insulting, not only the Sultan of Perak, but all the other Sultans . For the Menteri Besar of the State, to transfer within 24 hours, the State Director of Islamic Affairs without the Sultan's consent or even the curtsy of informing His Highness, is downright rude and unbecoming of one who hold the post. Isn't the Sultan the Head of the religion of Islam in the state? The Ruler's function in this matter is of the higest importance that he is still responsible for the Islamic affairs in his state even after being appointed as Yang di-Pertuan Agong of Malaysia.
Article 34 of the Constitution reads: "(1) The Yang di-Pertuan Agong shall not excercise his functions as Ruler of his State except those of Head of the religion of Islam."
As Head of the religion of Islam, His Highness is responsible to see that the officer responsible for the Islamic Affairs in the State is capable of executing his duties and responsibilities, as in the end it will affect the Ruler, if anything is to go wrong. The MB may want someone whom he can trust to work with but that does means he can sideline or overrule the Sultan. This matter should be look upon, not just from the right of law, but also from the adab point of view. Being Asians, we cannot just overlook the peradaban when confronting matters that concern the Ruler. MBs should remember it is the Ruler of the State who is the Head of the religion of Islam in the State. And he, being an MB, is responsible to the Sultan in the matters of the religion of Islam. If the Sultan cannot trust and work with the MB, then maybe it's better to change the MB in 24 hours!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

There are very few good reporter/critics/writers who really believe in what they are doing. Many are just doing their job i.e. makan gaji. Meet the dateline and please the bosses, is their motto. Don't bite the hand that feed you. Only the brave ones dare to stand firm for what they believe in and convince the bosses that these are in the best interest of the company and the people (readers). After all the papers are just like any other companies that must make profit for their shareholders.
We come to admire their courage in pursuing any issue that is of interest to the people and the tenacy and agressiveness of a pitbull (no offence meant) in going for the bone. Many other writers would just "Bark! Bark!" and retreat to the corner when their bosses/shareholders bring out the stick. Writers/reporters like R. Nadeswaran (The Sun's Deputy editor), Terrence Fernandez (The Sun), Dr. Syed Ali Tawfik Al-Attas (IKIM) and Shah Saleen Faruqi (UiTM Law Faculty) , to name a few, are the epitome of excellence in journalism. i am sure they are subjected to tremendous pressure by the powerful in office as well as having to face the many threats not only to themselves but also to their families. Hope there are enough of the up and coming reporters/writers who are brave enough and having the right character to follow in their footsteps.
So what is more powerful than the pen? It is the power of the SOUL.

Some write to get the truth out. Others just to get their dendam out. While many write just so they can maki hamun people they don't dare do so face-to-face. And the new media allow them to do all these. Whatever the writers objectives, they must be held responsible for their action. Just like the college boy got for posting irresponsible comment on the web about our famous YB Karpal Singh.

Writers/reporters like to think they are doing some good for this world. If not why are they willing to spend all those hours (and at all unholy hours too) just to let us know all the juicy gossips, the hidden many secrets of politicians and the famous, the all too many projects that bleed the country dry while we cry and the gila antics of some. Thanks to these writers and reporters we get to know all these and maybe put the fear into those contemplating to go on these paths, if their religion do not.
Should someone who wants to convert to Islam be forced to tell his / her family and close relatives? Isn't forcing someone to do something he don't want to do encroach on his/her rights? When a person make the most important decision of his life, he must have thought long and hard before taking this big step into a new life. One changes religion not because he/she wants to escape hardship, get married to a Muslim or run away from his/her duties and responsibilities. He/she willingly and conciously accept Islam because he/she believes Islam is the only religion that can save his/her soul after gaining knowledge and understanding about Islam. Changing religion should not be like one changes clothes.
In Islam, there is no compulsion. Therefore, nobody should force the converts to tell his/her family unless he/she wants to do so. The timing and place is for the convert to chose. Should he/she inform the family before or after his/her conversion to Islam is up to the person. Recently, the Malaysian Islamic Development Department (JAKIM) has announced that the senior Islamic leaders has rejected the proporsal to have non-Muslims to tell their families before converting to Islam, at a recent conference in Seremban, attended by state legal advisors, muftis, syarie judges and Islamic department directors. Personally, I think this is to prevent any pressure being applied to the new converts by the families and/or relatives. However,the records of new converts must be done more efficiently and kept up-to-date to avoid any confussion. The non-Muslims fear that their spouses might neglect his/her duties and responsibilities to the families should be tackled by JAKIM more vigoriously. More dialogues should be held with NGOs and non-Muslim organisations to explain the procedures, syariah laws, etc and answering addressing their apprehensions about Islam in general.

Saturday, April 19, 2008


Secular or not - that is the question. Now to find the answer. Easy as a,b,c. Just look up our country's Constitution. Don't have one? Get one now ( set you back Rm 10.00 for a paperback version) and look these up:
Part 1, Article 1: Name, States and territories of the Federation.
(1) The Federation shall be known, in Malay and in English by the name Malaysia.
Article 3. Religion of the Federation.
(1) Islam is the religion of the Federation; but other religion may be practised in peace and harmony in any part of the Federation.
(Note that it says "..the religion of the Federation.." and not "official religion of").
3.4. Nothing in this Article derogates from any other provision of this Constitution.
Article 4. Supreme law of the Federation.
(1) This Constitution is the supreme law of the Federation and any law passed after Merdeka Day which is inconsistent with Constitution shall, to the extent of the inconsistency, be void.
Part II, Article 8. Equality.
(1) All persons are equal before the law and entitled to the equal protection of the law.
Article (11) Freedon of religion.
(1) Every person has the right to profess and practise his religion and subject to Clause (4),propagate it.
(4) State law and in respect of the Federal Territories of Kuala Lumpur, labuan and Putrajaya, federal law may control or restrict the propagation of any religious doctrine or belief among persons professing the religion of Islam.
(5) This Article does not authorise any act contrary to any general law relating to public order, public health or morality.
Now that you have a copy of the Constitution hand, take time to read and digest it, if not all just he parts you think is relevant to know. That's the problem. Many of us just don't take the time to read the country's Constitution which governs our lives. We discuss issues but we are in the dark about the causes or root of the issues. Whatever others tell us, we just swallow them hook, line and sinker.
First, we should ask ourselves what "secularism" really means. Here, by "religion" we mean all religions - Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Jewism, Taoism, Sikhism, Confucism and others.
The word "secular" as define by The New oxford Dictionary of English, among others: denoting attitude, activities, or other things that has no religious or spiritual basis. Used in Christian Latin to mean 'the world' as opposed to 'the Church'. This means that the authority in the state is derived from the people and not from God through the clergy.
We believe in our religion, whatever it may be. We believe our religion is good on this earth and hereafter. All religion preaches goodness. We believe that our religion is good and fair for everybody on earth, believers and non-believers. If so, why do we want to separate religion from the governing of our country? Shouldn't it be the other way round? If we want "secularism" - meaning rejecting "religion" - it means we do not fully believe in our religion.
Now, ask ourselves, is our country Malaysia, a secular country or not. Malaysia is definitely not a theocratic country but it is also not a secular one. Malaysia is in between and that makes the country unique.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

WeLcoMe aNd tHanK yoU fOr vIsitTinG mY bLog. THis is A straIgHt fOrwaRd fiRe frOm tHe Hip BlOg. AnY toPics goEs anD YouR ComMents WiLl bE MoSt aPprecIated.
For starter, I find nothing wrong with the proposed modern pig farming project using German or Netherland technology. In fact, it is long overdue. If I am not mistaken a similiar project paper was submitted by the Veterinary Dept. to the Cabinet through the Minister of Agriculture, after the local pig industry was hit hard by the nipah disaster.
After announcing the 100 million ringgit modern pig farming project, the new Selangor Govt. must now go all out to get the correct information/facts to the affected people in Sepang, Selangor. Pig breeders using the traditional method are polluting the enviroments and possibly a source of diseases. It has also affected the source of income of the people living down river as well as the district's tourism industry.Not to mention the foul smelling problem to the residents in the vicinity.This problem must be address and and corrected immediately.
The first hurdle to be overcome is the mounting resistance of the people in Sepang. They have the legimate right to demand for an indepth explaination from the Selangor govt. about the proposed pig farming project as they are going to be directly affected by it. One can imagine the numerous questions on their mind which demand answers immediately:-
1. Where exactly is the proposed modern pig farm project going to be? Here the Selangor Govt. must not just show a map of the area concerned, but also an aerial photos of the present pig farms and the area for the proposed pig project.
2. Will the all existing pig breeders in Selangor, eventually be included in the project and close all their present pig farms. If not, the objectives of the project will surely be compromised. The pig breeding areas will grow larger than it is now but he problems faced by the people affected will remain.
3. Will the pork produced by the modern method be priced lower than the pork produced by traditional method?
4. How will the modern pig farming method work to prevent the pollution of the enviroment.
5. The modern pig farming method will dry all pig waste to be turn into manure and methane gas for cooking. Where and how will the pig waste manure and methane gas going to be utilised? Muslims cannot eat vegetables grown using pig waste manure or food cook using methane gas from pig waste.The proper Islamic bodies must be consulted to give their views on this issue.
6. How will the pork product be transported to the markets? Will there be new roads or will the vehicles pass through the villages and housing estates?
7. The EIA Report on the proposed project need be explain in plain, easy to understand terms, to the affected people over a period of time. Showing a thick EIA report is not going to do any good.
8. What will happen to the lands after the pig farms are located to the new modern farm? Are there plans to recover the lands for other uses?
These are some of the many questions that need answers before the proposed modern pig farming project can be implemented. Bull dozing the project will create racial tension.