Monday, May 5, 2008


Has you read the papers and blogs recently. Lately many political leaders, parlimentarians, bloggers, writers, lawyers, human rights opportunists and columnists are using the 'rakyat' (people) as their keyword. It is as if the word 'rakyat' will lend credence to what they are saying or give the impression that they are the voice of the rakyat. Maybe certain groups or sections of the rakyat but certainly not the vast majority of the rakyat, who may not even agree to what these people are saying on their behalf. It is pure arrogance to assume that he or she speaks for the majority rakyat just because the most vocal groups agree with you. What about the silent majority? Are your views representative of them.? Have you met the rakyat from across the country including Sabah and Sarawak.

The urbanites, especially from Klang Valley, may be highly educated and think their opinions and views are relevant to the country but what about the rural rakyat? How do you reach them for their opinions and views or is it they do not know better and therefore their opinions and views are irrelevant? If you want to speak for the rakyat, get it from the horse's mouth.

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