Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Malaysians nowadays are just too spoiled, especially those living in cities and their suburbs. Believe it or not, these younger generation have not even been outside the cities and suburban areas their whole lives! Never seen a live chicken or duck except maybe at the agriculture expositions and wet markets, if they are women. Thus, when they reach the age when they have to enter universities, they applied to go to the universities nearest their homes. They do not have the adventurous spirit to explore the world. Their parents too must shoulder the blame for such outlook. Majority of parents in the cities want their children to enter universities in their own backyards, giving such excuses like easier to visit them or better facilities. This is very true of parents in the peninsular. Even when their son/daughter is given a place in a university in Sabah or Sarawak, the parents will insist on a place in a university in the peninsular. ( Though there are many more willing to take the place given the chance). Being adventurous is to explore the unknown, take risks and see new things which will enrich you and give you better perspective of life.

Many parents kick a big fuss if their son/daughter is given a university place in Sabah or Sarawak. What is wrong with studying in Sabah or Sarawak? Is Sabah and Sarawak not part of our country - Malaysia? The usual excuse these parents give is that it is too far and difficult for them to visit or for their son/daughter to return home. But this reason hold no water. What if their son or daughter is studying in another country? Many Sabahans and Sarawakians are studying here in the peninsular and most are from poor parents. Do they go back home every weekend? Is the people in the peninsular Malaysia too proud to send the children to study in Sabah or Sarawak? Are the universities and colleges in Sabah and Sarawak inferior to those on the peninsular?

Malaysia is not such a big country and most areas are very well connected, with excellent or good infrastructure and transportation. With among the cheapest air fares in the world, most Malaysians can afford to fly to Sabah and Sarawak at least twice a year if not every month. The only problem is that most parents in the big cities (most are on the peninsular) have not travel to Sabah or Sarawak. Yes many may had visited China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Thailand, India, Vietnam, South Korea or Pakistan. But, not many had ever been to Sabah or Sarawak. All they know about Sabah and Sarawak are from tv documentaries/news or tourism brochures. Most feel Sabah and Sarawak are too backward to visit and just too alien for their comfort.

To all West Malaysians - VISIT SABAH AND SARAWAK this end-of-the -year school holidays and enjoy the special hospitality of East Malaysia you will never forget. No, they do not cut people's heads nor eat tourists! And yes, they do speak good English and Bahasa Malaysia.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


I am aghast that there are people, who dare call themselves Malaysians, wanting to let this notorious killer back into our country! It is true Malaysians have very short memory. Being more educated and better informed do not make people a better person. Unless, he/she uses that advantages to serve the nation that feed and nurture them to the state they are now enjoying!

Calling for renegades, like Chin Peng and the communists, to be brought back just because he wants to die here is NOT being fair, to say the least, to all those heroes/heroines who were martyred defending the very freedom and luxury you and me are enjoying at this very moment. Malaysians today are totally ignorant of the hardship caused by the communists who slaughtered innocent people, young and old, forced them to pay hefty ransoms and support them under threat of cruel death. How many innocent 'rakyat' and security forces and their families, had been killed or died horrid death like being torched alive, buried alive in wells, hack slowly to death, disembowelled and left to die a slow death or by burning a big ball of rubber scrap over their heads so that they die a slow and agonising death. Then there were asassinations of our brave security personnels who were only doing there duty to protect us citizens. And many more suffered when they lost their limbs. How many of our rakyat who suffered because they lost their source of income and their families cannot get better education? It is easy to talk about human rights, freedom and compassion when there are no bullets flying over your heads.

Generations suffered because this man, Chin Peng and his gang, wanted to turn our country into a communist state!! Imagine the consequences if he had succeeded. There will be no tolerance or even minute space for religion (whatever your religion) to grow. In fact you can count on the communist state to kill anyone who dare to preach any religion at all! No mosques, No temples, No churches and No religion. There will be only one party - the Commnunist Party Of Malaya! All places of worship will slowly be turn into commnunist party community halls, for preaching communism to the younger generation. Hundreds of thousands more hard-core communist party members from overseas will be brought in to settle in towns in this bountiful country. All towns will be cleared of educated local people who will be forced to toil the land to grow food, which will be exported. The control over the Straits Of Malacca, which has over 2/3 of the world shipping trade passing through it, will also see the Chinese power spreading into the Indian Ocean and onto mainland India. Where will you and me be? - Toiling the land on meagre food ration. No high and mighty status or education.

But, thanks to our brave security forces and the rakyat, who put their lives on the line and many died, and with the help from other friendly countries, we were able to defeat the communist threat. We are able to enjoy the luxurious lives, better education and freedom because these brave people died. They too had hopes but they gave up their lives so that we can achieve ours.

Let Chin Peng and his gang die in oblivion and in exile. Let his remains and his gang's remains never be brought back into this country. They are no independence fighters but fought to bring communism into this country. Communisn which is against all religion.

Let Chin Peng and his gang die just like the Nazi criminals!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


After going through all the rubbish in the blog world recently and was shocked to my bone to find that Malaysians habor all those hatred towards one another after more than 50 years of living peacefully together, is just too much for me to bear. I quit blogging there and then! I'm afraid that I'll loose my sanity - whatever is left!

But, as the saying goes, time heals. So I'm back , if just to prove to the world that we Malaysians have not gone insane - yet. Partly I blame the ambitious politicians who play the racial and religious issues to gain popularity through cheap publicity, for all those hatred bouncing around. The mass medias, print and electronic, are not innocent either because they are just playing up to the readers/viewers to up their circulation/viewership and of course, it means more advertising ringgit for them. More blame however should be on Malaysians who are so gullible to believe everything thrown to them - rumours/smses included. They believe smses send to them by unknown people or the blogs put up by who?... Many uses the blogs to unload their long pent up frustrations which mostly have nothing to do with the issues. If they are caught up in a traffic jam, the government is at fault. Though most of the time it is the motorists themselves who causes the jam. How? They never plan their journeys, switches lanes at the last minute, cut queues, park indiscriminately, drive 'kiasu style' or just being plain morons. Then they go on the blog to vent their anger on everybody! Just think, 500 000 km of road can only accomodate about 140 000 cars if they are driving bumper to bumper!

Blogs can be positive if we are disciplined and principled. If people do not believe the blogs then the medium itself is useless and become a place to disbelieve instead of believing. Do not make bloggers the tool to be manipulated by those moronic people by posting all their views in the name of freedom. They abuse the freedom to destroy all the 'muhibbah' that takes decades to build. They must be stop now before the damage becomes an explosion nobody can control.

Monday, September 15, 2008

SEPTEMBER 16 2008 and ISA


Today is September 16 2008 and with just under 15 hours 30 minutes till midnight, and nothing is happenning in PUTRAJAYA yet. With all the hoo-hah from Datuk Seri AnuarIbrahim, the newly crowned MP of Permatang Pauh, about a new Federal Government, we are not convinced that there will be any such changes. At least not till the next general election if the present BN federal government insisted on following the present path to self-destruction. What Datuk Seri Anuar is doing is to build up the rakyat's mind to accept the Pakatan Rakyat as a viable alternative federal government and to destabilized the present government so that it cannot focus on the development projects for the rakyat, which will work against the PR in the next general election.

The magical date will pass and Datuk Seri Anuar will give yet another date or dates, to keep up the pressure and keep the rakyat in anticipation and suspense. All these moves are just to wear down the BN leadership and keep them in a tense situation all the time. People tend to read too much into Datuk Seri Anuar's actions. He is playing a mind game, at which he is very skilled, going by his past slick manouvers to out-flank and out-guess his opponents. With the sword of sodomy charges hanging over his head he needs to keep up the charade and build up his followers, especially the media people to become his ardent believers. These believers will hang on to his every words and believes he will deliver all the promises he makes. It is possible that Datuk Seri Anuar believes he can cultivate a cult mentality among his followers to serve his ambition to become the Prime Minister.


The use (mis-use?) of the Internal Security Act (ISA) to arrest individuals for reasons yet unknown except to the very few "knowlegeble" people, must be curtailed. The government must heed the call to have these people to be charge in court and to let the court decides if they are guilty or not. The credibility of the Police, and therefore the Government, will increase with proper usage of the ISA. By all means use ISA on people who are really a danger to national security, especially drug traffickers and those involve in bringing in illegals by the boatloads and giving them Mykads. These masterminds and their concos are the real threat to national security.

Thursday, August 14, 2008


BLOGGERS must be more responsible and credible if they are to mantain their influence on the masses. There too many bloggers who posted articles that do not have any credible sources other than their over-imaginative minds. Others have only what their little knowledge that they manage to scoop from their school lessons in between naps and somehow retain it in their ever-shrinking brains. What more can we say judging by the quality and sheer ignorance that are posted every minute.

There are power crazy bloggers who blog only to gain fame by trying to get themselves arrested for sedition, defamation and what not. All in the name of freedom of right. But what right have these so called 'bloggers' to write seditious articles that only exist in their warped minds? What about the rights of other people - the majority? If these bloggers are Muslims, don't they know that 'fitnah' is a sin on par with 'zina' (adultery) and killing of fellow Muslims without lawful reason. Some of these unknown bloggers found glamour when their arrests were reported by the main stream media.

As for bloggers who uses the blog world just to release their emotion, lashing out using the worse of language to insult other relegions and races, they should be lock up in psychiatric hospitals - forever!

How can bloggers be believable if their sources are not?

Thursday, July 31, 2008


There are so many unethical bloggers who are going all out to destroy our beloved nation and they are doing it by putting all sort of blattant lies and half-truths that are misleading, just to create distrust and build animosity among the various races. All geared towards the ultimate distruction this country that is built on Trust, Tolerance and the Spirit of give and take between the various races in the country.

Never in our the history of our nation has there been so much feeling of racial hatred being flung about especially in the cyber space. It is very disheartening to read all these blogs that are suppose to represent the citizens of this nation. What will the foreigners think of our country? But than, that is what these bloggers want - for the country to be run down in the international arena, regardless of any consequences. Maybe this is the result of all the pampering we received these 50 years plus of independence. After the struggle for independence, the new generation just do seem to care for the positive values avocade by their older generation. They take everything for granted. They are the generation that is born with all the facilities already in place and with more goodies than the older generation can imagine in all their lifetime.

Perhaps they think the nation is so strong that she cannot be destroyed!

God save our country if these people are to have their ways. Truths are being turn into lies and lies are being concorted as truths and fed to the guilible people. These unethical bloggers are just out to get fame the easy way. Maybe they think that since a few bloggers are now Yang Berhormat MPs, they can follow suit by getting themselves arrested for putting all these lies on the web. After all, the politicians now are mad about getting more power than what the rakyat has given to them. They just want more POWEEER! Just look at the publicity stunts these politicians are putting on. Not only will Hollywood be put to shame by these stunts but Bollywood producers are sure to happy to feature all these stunts in their next international cast movies.

Sunday, July 6, 2008


That is the question that comes to my mind every day as I read the events unfolding and dread what new vile plots being concorted behind all these disturbing news that bombarded our rakyat's simple mind. Already we,the rakyat (at least the lower incomes and no-income group), is reeling from the rocketting prices of essential goods and having to fight each day just to survive on whatever we can get to the table. How come the elites and the politicians (both divides) can be so engrossed in their dramatic antics for popularity and greed for power that they are just ignoring the rakyat's basic needs? Where are the promises you make during the last election, which is long over, if you need to be reminded. Never have the rakyat of this country see so much show of greed and lust for power from just so few.
However, I am wondering if there are forces at work behind the scenes to bring about the downfall of our nation. Is there such unseen hand(s) behind the events unfolding in this country and planning the destruction of our country? There are many very disturbing coincidences happening in the country that are similiar to several presently failed nation states that just cannot be simply waved away. If we compare the characteristics for a failed nation/state and the path our country is presently taking, we can see the future is very dark indeed. Let us look at the characteristics for a failed nation state.
Failed nation states are tense, deeply conflicted, dangerous, and bitterly contested by warring factions. In most failed states, government troops battle armed revolts led by one or more rivals.
The country has not come to this terrible stage, physically yet. But there is a mental war furiously going on. It is not comforting if you read all the mud slingings, lies, counter lies and racists remarks on the web. Never is there such unrestrain bitterness unleashed and these coming from our youths, many who are not matured enough politically nor have indepth knowledge about our country's colourful history to truly appreciate what we have now. Being young their emotion can be easily fired up and form a powerful force. If manipulated by power-greedy politicians, the force can be very destructive to the country.
Official authorities in a failed state sometimes face two of more insurgencies, varieties of civil unrest, differing degrees of communal discontents, and a plethora of dissent directed at the state and at groups within the state.
Already we are seeing discontentments being whip up among the people, especially among the lower income group. Demonstrations, designed to condition the people mind to accept it ( the demonstration) as a show of democracy, are disguised under topics close to the people's heart.(Against price increase, no tolls, fight injustice, equality, intergrity, etc). These are nothing but subtle actions to undermine the people's confidence in the federal government.
In contrast to strong states, failed state cannot control their borders. They lose authorities over chunks of territory.
Malaysia have not lost any significant territory yet except for Batu Putih which we lost when the International Court Of Justice make its ruling in favour of the Republic of Singapore. But this case is being used by the opposition to prove that the federal government is weak and incompetent to defend the territory of our nation. More like after the house is built, the chisel makes noise. (Rumah sudah siap, pahat pun berbunyi). But should we lose any more territory for whatever reasons, then the federal government has something to fear. And there are a lot of land and islands at the borders that need to be defended.
Vigorous character of the political or geographical demands for shared power or autonomy.
When the federal government is made up a coalition of so many political parties, and these representing their members' interests more than the nation, then conflicts of interests in some matters of policies and power sharing cannot be avoided, though they can be discuss internally and come to some acceptable compromises. However if one or more parties demand something more because they perceive that they are not gettting their rightful shares, and there is no more to give or not enough to satisfy the others' demands, then we have a tension building up between the parties. The can be exploited by a outside third party who wants to see the coalition breaks up and seize power, even if the country is turn into a turmoil and the people are suffering.
Violence cascade into all-out internal war, when standards of living massively deteriorate, when infrastructure of ordinary life decays, and the greed of rulers overwhelms their responsibilities to better their people and their surroundings.
The last stage of a failed nation is the internal conflicts among the citizens of the country. The whole country will be ravaged by the conflicts and nothing will be safe. People's power will be abused to serve the greedy politicians' ambitions and many people will be badly hurt or die without knowing that they are just pawns in the power struggle between the politicians, whom they see as their saviours, the people who are already conditioned to accept demonstrations as a show of people's power and democracy, will be used to the maximum to create unrest and violence between the demonstrators and the authorities. Visuals scenes of these violent demonstrations will then be put on the web to bring international pressure on the legal government to come to some power sharing compromises or step down.
We see various sectors of society ever ready to challenge the legal authorities over almost any matter by taking a confrontational stand rather than to sit down and discuss matters. And as usual the politicians are eager to lend their 'support' if these get them some publicity. Thus they encourage more to follow the same behaviour. More important matters like the enviromental issues, dadah menace, rempits, rising racial intolerance among the younger generation (future leaders) and others important issues, do not get these politicians' attention as these are more problematic for their power-centered minds to grasp. Majority taxi drivers wants to get their own ways by not charging according to approved meter rates. By over-charging the innocent and helpless public, they think it will solve their monetary problem. What have our elected MPs have to say on this? - Nothing!
Without sounding pessimistic, our country is not doing so fine. Even though Malaysia do not qualify for a failed nation state, the country already have a degree of all the characteristics of a failed state. The failed state will come if we, the rakyat, let the power-hungry politicians to continue to lead our country down the same road as it is now. This may sound far fetch to some, but that is why we have to be very wary before its too late to turn back the damages done. Let us, the rakyat, jugde the Members of Parliament and State Assemblymen on what their effectiveness in delivering their promises and not on their rhetorics and self-promoting antics. Enough is enough - TIME TO GET DOWN TO WORK!