Sunday, July 6, 2008


That is the question that comes to my mind every day as I read the events unfolding and dread what new vile plots being concorted behind all these disturbing news that bombarded our rakyat's simple mind. Already we,the rakyat (at least the lower incomes and no-income group), is reeling from the rocketting prices of essential goods and having to fight each day just to survive on whatever we can get to the table. How come the elites and the politicians (both divides) can be so engrossed in their dramatic antics for popularity and greed for power that they are just ignoring the rakyat's basic needs? Where are the promises you make during the last election, which is long over, if you need to be reminded. Never have the rakyat of this country see so much show of greed and lust for power from just so few.
However, I am wondering if there are forces at work behind the scenes to bring about the downfall of our nation. Is there such unseen hand(s) behind the events unfolding in this country and planning the destruction of our country? There are many very disturbing coincidences happening in the country that are similiar to several presently failed nation states that just cannot be simply waved away. If we compare the characteristics for a failed nation/state and the path our country is presently taking, we can see the future is very dark indeed. Let us look at the characteristics for a failed nation state.
Failed nation states are tense, deeply conflicted, dangerous, and bitterly contested by warring factions. In most failed states, government troops battle armed revolts led by one or more rivals.
The country has not come to this terrible stage, physically yet. But there is a mental war furiously going on. It is not comforting if you read all the mud slingings, lies, counter lies and racists remarks on the web. Never is there such unrestrain bitterness unleashed and these coming from our youths, many who are not matured enough politically nor have indepth knowledge about our country's colourful history to truly appreciate what we have now. Being young their emotion can be easily fired up and form a powerful force. If manipulated by power-greedy politicians, the force can be very destructive to the country.
Official authorities in a failed state sometimes face two of more insurgencies, varieties of civil unrest, differing degrees of communal discontents, and a plethora of dissent directed at the state and at groups within the state.
Already we are seeing discontentments being whip up among the people, especially among the lower income group. Demonstrations, designed to condition the people mind to accept it ( the demonstration) as a show of democracy, are disguised under topics close to the people's heart.(Against price increase, no tolls, fight injustice, equality, intergrity, etc). These are nothing but subtle actions to undermine the people's confidence in the federal government.
In contrast to strong states, failed state cannot control their borders. They lose authorities over chunks of territory.
Malaysia have not lost any significant territory yet except for Batu Putih which we lost when the International Court Of Justice make its ruling in favour of the Republic of Singapore. But this case is being used by the opposition to prove that the federal government is weak and incompetent to defend the territory of our nation. More like after the house is built, the chisel makes noise. (Rumah sudah siap, pahat pun berbunyi). But should we lose any more territory for whatever reasons, then the federal government has something to fear. And there are a lot of land and islands at the borders that need to be defended.
Vigorous character of the political or geographical demands for shared power or autonomy.
When the federal government is made up a coalition of so many political parties, and these representing their members' interests more than the nation, then conflicts of interests in some matters of policies and power sharing cannot be avoided, though they can be discuss internally and come to some acceptable compromises. However if one or more parties demand something more because they perceive that they are not gettting their rightful shares, and there is no more to give or not enough to satisfy the others' demands, then we have a tension building up between the parties. The can be exploited by a outside third party who wants to see the coalition breaks up and seize power, even if the country is turn into a turmoil and the people are suffering.
Violence cascade into all-out internal war, when standards of living massively deteriorate, when infrastructure of ordinary life decays, and the greed of rulers overwhelms their responsibilities to better their people and their surroundings.
The last stage of a failed nation is the internal conflicts among the citizens of the country. The whole country will be ravaged by the conflicts and nothing will be safe. People's power will be abused to serve the greedy politicians' ambitions and many people will be badly hurt or die without knowing that they are just pawns in the power struggle between the politicians, whom they see as their saviours, the people who are already conditioned to accept demonstrations as a show of people's power and democracy, will be used to the maximum to create unrest and violence between the demonstrators and the authorities. Visuals scenes of these violent demonstrations will then be put on the web to bring international pressure on the legal government to come to some power sharing compromises or step down.
We see various sectors of society ever ready to challenge the legal authorities over almost any matter by taking a confrontational stand rather than to sit down and discuss matters. And as usual the politicians are eager to lend their 'support' if these get them some publicity. Thus they encourage more to follow the same behaviour. More important matters like the enviromental issues, dadah menace, rempits, rising racial intolerance among the younger generation (future leaders) and others important issues, do not get these politicians' attention as these are more problematic for their power-centered minds to grasp. Majority taxi drivers wants to get their own ways by not charging according to approved meter rates. By over-charging the innocent and helpless public, they think it will solve their monetary problem. What have our elected MPs have to say on this? - Nothing!
Without sounding pessimistic, our country is not doing so fine. Even though Malaysia do not qualify for a failed nation state, the country already have a degree of all the characteristics of a failed state. The failed state will come if we, the rakyat, let the power-hungry politicians to continue to lead our country down the same road as it is now. This may sound far fetch to some, but that is why we have to be very wary before its too late to turn back the damages done. Let us, the rakyat, jugde the Members of Parliament and State Assemblymen on what their effectiveness in delivering their promises and not on their rhetorics and self-promoting antics. Enough is enough - TIME TO GET DOWN TO WORK!

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