Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Malaysians nowadays are just too spoiled, especially those living in cities and their suburbs. Believe it or not, these younger generation have not even been outside the cities and suburban areas their whole lives! Never seen a live chicken or duck except maybe at the agriculture expositions and wet markets, if they are women. Thus, when they reach the age when they have to enter universities, they applied to go to the universities nearest their homes. They do not have the adventurous spirit to explore the world. Their parents too must shoulder the blame for such outlook. Majority of parents in the cities want their children to enter universities in their own backyards, giving such excuses like easier to visit them or better facilities. This is very true of parents in the peninsular. Even when their son/daughter is given a place in a university in Sabah or Sarawak, the parents will insist on a place in a university in the peninsular. ( Though there are many more willing to take the place given the chance). Being adventurous is to explore the unknown, take risks and see new things which will enrich you and give you better perspective of life.

Many parents kick a big fuss if their son/daughter is given a university place in Sabah or Sarawak. What is wrong with studying in Sabah or Sarawak? Is Sabah and Sarawak not part of our country - Malaysia? The usual excuse these parents give is that it is too far and difficult for them to visit or for their son/daughter to return home. But this reason hold no water. What if their son or daughter is studying in another country? Many Sabahans and Sarawakians are studying here in the peninsular and most are from poor parents. Do they go back home every weekend? Is the people in the peninsular Malaysia too proud to send the children to study in Sabah or Sarawak? Are the universities and colleges in Sabah and Sarawak inferior to those on the peninsular?

Malaysia is not such a big country and most areas are very well connected, with excellent or good infrastructure and transportation. With among the cheapest air fares in the world, most Malaysians can afford to fly to Sabah and Sarawak at least twice a year if not every month. The only problem is that most parents in the big cities (most are on the peninsular) have not travel to Sabah or Sarawak. Yes many may had visited China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Thailand, India, Vietnam, South Korea or Pakistan. But, not many had ever been to Sabah or Sarawak. All they know about Sabah and Sarawak are from tv documentaries/news or tourism brochures. Most feel Sabah and Sarawak are too backward to visit and just too alien for their comfort.

To all West Malaysians - VISIT SABAH AND SARAWAK this end-of-the -year school holidays and enjoy the special hospitality of East Malaysia you will never forget. No, they do not cut people's heads nor eat tourists! And yes, they do speak good English and Bahasa Malaysia.