Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Malaysians nowadays are just too spoiled, especially those living in cities and their suburbs. Believe it or not, these younger generation have not even been outside the cities and suburban areas their whole lives! Never seen a live chicken or duck except maybe at the agriculture expositions and wet markets, if they are women. Thus, when they reach the age when they have to enter universities, they applied to go to the universities nearest their homes. They do not have the adventurous spirit to explore the world. Their parents too must shoulder the blame for such outlook. Majority of parents in the cities want their children to enter universities in their own backyards, giving such excuses like easier to visit them or better facilities. This is very true of parents in the peninsular. Even when their son/daughter is given a place in a university in Sabah or Sarawak, the parents will insist on a place in a university in the peninsular. ( Though there are many more willing to take the place given the chance). Being adventurous is to explore the unknown, take risks and see new things which will enrich you and give you better perspective of life.

Many parents kick a big fuss if their son/daughter is given a university place in Sabah or Sarawak. What is wrong with studying in Sabah or Sarawak? Is Sabah and Sarawak not part of our country - Malaysia? The usual excuse these parents give is that it is too far and difficult for them to visit or for their son/daughter to return home. But this reason hold no water. What if their son or daughter is studying in another country? Many Sabahans and Sarawakians are studying here in the peninsular and most are from poor parents. Do they go back home every weekend? Is the people in the peninsular Malaysia too proud to send the children to study in Sabah or Sarawak? Are the universities and colleges in Sabah and Sarawak inferior to those on the peninsular?

Malaysia is not such a big country and most areas are very well connected, with excellent or good infrastructure and transportation. With among the cheapest air fares in the world, most Malaysians can afford to fly to Sabah and Sarawak at least twice a year if not every month. The only problem is that most parents in the big cities (most are on the peninsular) have not travel to Sabah or Sarawak. Yes many may had visited China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Thailand, India, Vietnam, South Korea or Pakistan. But, not many had ever been to Sabah or Sarawak. All they know about Sabah and Sarawak are from tv documentaries/news or tourism brochures. Most feel Sabah and Sarawak are too backward to visit and just too alien for their comfort.

To all West Malaysians - VISIT SABAH AND SARAWAK this end-of-the -year school holidays and enjoy the special hospitality of East Malaysia you will never forget. No, they do not cut people's heads nor eat tourists! And yes, they do speak good English and Bahasa Malaysia.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


I am aghast that there are people, who dare call themselves Malaysians, wanting to let this notorious killer back into our country! It is true Malaysians have very short memory. Being more educated and better informed do not make people a better person. Unless, he/she uses that advantages to serve the nation that feed and nurture them to the state they are now enjoying!

Calling for renegades, like Chin Peng and the communists, to be brought back just because he wants to die here is NOT being fair, to say the least, to all those heroes/heroines who were martyred defending the very freedom and luxury you and me are enjoying at this very moment. Malaysians today are totally ignorant of the hardship caused by the communists who slaughtered innocent people, young and old, forced them to pay hefty ransoms and support them under threat of cruel death. How many innocent 'rakyat' and security forces and their families, had been killed or died horrid death like being torched alive, buried alive in wells, hack slowly to death, disembowelled and left to die a slow death or by burning a big ball of rubber scrap over their heads so that they die a slow and agonising death. Then there were asassinations of our brave security personnels who were only doing there duty to protect us citizens. And many more suffered when they lost their limbs. How many of our rakyat who suffered because they lost their source of income and their families cannot get better education? It is easy to talk about human rights, freedom and compassion when there are no bullets flying over your heads.

Generations suffered because this man, Chin Peng and his gang, wanted to turn our country into a communist state!! Imagine the consequences if he had succeeded. There will be no tolerance or even minute space for religion (whatever your religion) to grow. In fact you can count on the communist state to kill anyone who dare to preach any religion at all! No mosques, No temples, No churches and No religion. There will be only one party - the Commnunist Party Of Malaya! All places of worship will slowly be turn into commnunist party community halls, for preaching communism to the younger generation. Hundreds of thousands more hard-core communist party members from overseas will be brought in to settle in towns in this bountiful country. All towns will be cleared of educated local people who will be forced to toil the land to grow food, which will be exported. The control over the Straits Of Malacca, which has over 2/3 of the world shipping trade passing through it, will also see the Chinese power spreading into the Indian Ocean and onto mainland India. Where will you and me be? - Toiling the land on meagre food ration. No high and mighty status or education.

But, thanks to our brave security forces and the rakyat, who put their lives on the line and many died, and with the help from other friendly countries, we were able to defeat the communist threat. We are able to enjoy the luxurious lives, better education and freedom because these brave people died. They too had hopes but they gave up their lives so that we can achieve ours.

Let Chin Peng and his gang die in oblivion and in exile. Let his remains and his gang's remains never be brought back into this country. They are no independence fighters but fought to bring communism into this country. Communisn which is against all religion.

Let Chin Peng and his gang die just like the Nazi criminals!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


After going through all the rubbish in the blog world recently and was shocked to my bone to find that Malaysians habor all those hatred towards one another after more than 50 years of living peacefully together, is just too much for me to bear. I quit blogging there and then! I'm afraid that I'll loose my sanity - whatever is left!

But, as the saying goes, time heals. So I'm back , if just to prove to the world that we Malaysians have not gone insane - yet. Partly I blame the ambitious politicians who play the racial and religious issues to gain popularity through cheap publicity, for all those hatred bouncing around. The mass medias, print and electronic, are not innocent either because they are just playing up to the readers/viewers to up their circulation/viewership and of course, it means more advertising ringgit for them. More blame however should be on Malaysians who are so gullible to believe everything thrown to them - rumours/smses included. They believe smses send to them by unknown people or the blogs put up by who?... Many uses the blogs to unload their long pent up frustrations which mostly have nothing to do with the issues. If they are caught up in a traffic jam, the government is at fault. Though most of the time it is the motorists themselves who causes the jam. How? They never plan their journeys, switches lanes at the last minute, cut queues, park indiscriminately, drive 'kiasu style' or just being plain morons. Then they go on the blog to vent their anger on everybody! Just think, 500 000 km of road can only accomodate about 140 000 cars if they are driving bumper to bumper!

Blogs can be positive if we are disciplined and principled. If people do not believe the blogs then the medium itself is useless and become a place to disbelieve instead of believing. Do not make bloggers the tool to be manipulated by those moronic people by posting all their views in the name of freedom. They abuse the freedom to destroy all the 'muhibbah' that takes decades to build. They must be stop now before the damage becomes an explosion nobody can control.