Thursday, August 14, 2008


BLOGGERS must be more responsible and credible if they are to mantain their influence on the masses. There too many bloggers who posted articles that do not have any credible sources other than their over-imaginative minds. Others have only what their little knowledge that they manage to scoop from their school lessons in between naps and somehow retain it in their ever-shrinking brains. What more can we say judging by the quality and sheer ignorance that are posted every minute.

There are power crazy bloggers who blog only to gain fame by trying to get themselves arrested for sedition, defamation and what not. All in the name of freedom of right. But what right have these so called 'bloggers' to write seditious articles that only exist in their warped minds? What about the rights of other people - the majority? If these bloggers are Muslims, don't they know that 'fitnah' is a sin on par with 'zina' (adultery) and killing of fellow Muslims without lawful reason. Some of these unknown bloggers found glamour when their arrests were reported by the main stream media.

As for bloggers who uses the blog world just to release their emotion, lashing out using the worse of language to insult other relegions and races, they should be lock up in psychiatric hospitals - forever!

How can bloggers be believable if their sources are not?