Tuesday, February 24, 2009


After going through all the rubbish in the blog world recently and was shocked to my bone to find that Malaysians habor all those hatred towards one another after more than 50 years of living peacefully together, is just too much for me to bear. I quit blogging there and then! I'm afraid that I'll loose my sanity - whatever is left!

But, as the saying goes, time heals. So I'm back , if just to prove to the world that we Malaysians have not gone insane - yet. Partly I blame the ambitious politicians who play the racial and religious issues to gain popularity through cheap publicity, for all those hatred bouncing around. The mass medias, print and electronic, are not innocent either because they are just playing up to the readers/viewers to up their circulation/viewership and of course, it means more advertising ringgit for them. More blame however should be on Malaysians who are so gullible to believe everything thrown to them - rumours/smses included. They believe smses send to them by unknown people or the blogs put up by who?... Many uses the blogs to unload their long pent up frustrations which mostly have nothing to do with the issues. If they are caught up in a traffic jam, the government is at fault. Though most of the time it is the motorists themselves who causes the jam. How? They never plan their journeys, switches lanes at the last minute, cut queues, park indiscriminately, drive 'kiasu style' or just being plain morons. Then they go on the blog to vent their anger on everybody! Just think, 500 000 km of road can only accomodate about 140 000 cars if they are driving bumper to bumper!

Blogs can be positive if we are disciplined and principled. If people do not believe the blogs then the medium itself is useless and become a place to disbelieve instead of believing. Do not make bloggers the tool to be manipulated by those moronic people by posting all their views in the name of freedom. They abuse the freedom to destroy all the 'muhibbah' that takes decades to build. They must be stop now before the damage becomes an explosion nobody can control.