Tuesday, April 15, 2008

WeLcoMe aNd tHanK yoU fOr vIsitTinG mY bLog. THis is A straIgHt fOrwaRd fiRe frOm tHe Hip BlOg. AnY toPics goEs anD YouR ComMents WiLl bE MoSt aPprecIated.
For starter, I find nothing wrong with the proposed modern pig farming project using German or Netherland technology. In fact, it is long overdue. If I am not mistaken a similiar project paper was submitted by the Veterinary Dept. to the Cabinet through the Minister of Agriculture, after the local pig industry was hit hard by the nipah disaster.
After announcing the 100 million ringgit modern pig farming project, the new Selangor Govt. must now go all out to get the correct information/facts to the affected people in Sepang, Selangor. Pig breeders using the traditional method are polluting the enviroments and possibly a source of diseases. It has also affected the source of income of the people living down river as well as the district's tourism industry.Not to mention the foul smelling problem to the residents in the vicinity.This problem must be address and and corrected immediately.
The first hurdle to be overcome is the mounting resistance of the people in Sepang. They have the legimate right to demand for an indepth explaination from the Selangor govt. about the proposed pig farming project as they are going to be directly affected by it. One can imagine the numerous questions on their mind which demand answers immediately:-
1. Where exactly is the proposed modern pig farm project going to be? Here the Selangor Govt. must not just show a map of the area concerned, but also an aerial photos of the present pig farms and the area for the proposed pig project.
2. Will the all existing pig breeders in Selangor, eventually be included in the project and close all their present pig farms. If not, the objectives of the project will surely be compromised. The pig breeding areas will grow larger than it is now but he problems faced by the people affected will remain.
3. Will the pork produced by the modern method be priced lower than the pork produced by traditional method?
4. How will the modern pig farming method work to prevent the pollution of the enviroment.
5. The modern pig farming method will dry all pig waste to be turn into manure and methane gas for cooking. Where and how will the pig waste manure and methane gas going to be utilised? Muslims cannot eat vegetables grown using pig waste manure or food cook using methane gas from pig waste.The proper Islamic bodies must be consulted to give their views on this issue.
6. How will the pork product be transported to the markets? Will there be new roads or will the vehicles pass through the villages and housing estates?
7. The EIA Report on the proposed project need be explain in plain, easy to understand terms, to the affected people over a period of time. Showing a thick EIA report is not going to do any good.
8. What will happen to the lands after the pig farms are located to the new modern farm? Are there plans to recover the lands for other uses?
These are some of the many questions that need answers before the proposed modern pig farming project can be implemented. Bull dozing the project will create racial tension.

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