Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Some write to get the truth out. Others just to get their dendam out. While many write just so they can maki hamun people they don't dare do so face-to-face. And the new media allow them to do all these. Whatever the writers objectives, they must be held responsible for their action. Just like the college boy got for posting irresponsible comment on the web about our famous YB Karpal Singh.

Writers/reporters like to think they are doing some good for this world. If not why are they willing to spend all those hours (and at all unholy hours too) just to let us know all the juicy gossips, the hidden many secrets of politicians and the famous, the all too many projects that bleed the country dry while we cry and the gila antics of some. Thanks to these writers and reporters we get to know all these and maybe put the fear into those contemplating to go on these paths, if their religion do not.

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